KOGEI STANDARD Japanese Crafts Online Media

InsightKogei Articles

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Insight Kogei Articles

Lifestyles looking forward.Encountering Kogei, things we notice.

Since its founding in Asakusa, Tokyo in 1931, Kimoto Glass Tokyo has collaborated with numerous craftsmen for over 90 years to introduce glass tableware to the world. With a wholesaler’s unique perspective on market trends, the company produces new glass products tailored to modern lifestyles.The company is also actively engaged in collaborations between craftsmen and designers. In January this ye...

The term “craftsmanship” has come to be widely used in recent years. It is not limited to handcrafted artisan goods but also applies to products such as watches, cars, and fashion items. The attitude of pursuing high quality in the creation of objects is often expressed as “craftsmanship,” and today many high-end brands, such as Gucci, Hermes, and Loewe, include explanation...


Craft Artist Kogei Artist

Craft artists who reflects their philosophy in their works.They pursue their one and only expression.

CRAFT COMPANY Kogei Manufacturers & Brands

Japanese crafts manufacturers are rooted in various parts of Japan.We want to share with the world, the present situaton of Japanese crafts.